John 8:36 - So if the Son makes you free, you will be truly free.

Galatians 5:1 - We have freedom now, because Christ made us free. So stand strong. Do not change and go back into the slavery of the law.

This is my journey.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Big Changes – A Move, An Internship, A New Life (ish)

Every day, it seems, I have to mentally pinch myself and remember that in 6 weeks, I will be moved to Phoenix, AZ and off on a completely new stage of my life. Away from my family, away from all of my childhood friends, away from life as I have known it up till now.

Moving away to help start a new church, Compel Church. Moving away to not only have more job and art opportunities, but to learn how to stretch myself and extend a hand of love to everyone I meet. I have never been good at easily connecting with people... I have never had a compelling reason to learn. I can be quite lazy at times. Here, I will not have the opportunity to be lazy, I will not be allowed laziness.  

This is about personal growth, and about touching hearts and lives.

Compel Church from Compel Church on Vimeo.

What is this internship to me?

The opportunity to mature as a person. The chance to, in a sense, grow up. I will be far from my family and friends, having to bond with a new family and friend group.  

The opportunity to build a church from the ground up, to put ministerial skills into practice. I am already working on getting certified as a minister, and getting licensed next year will be part of this program.

The opportunity to learn how to truly love others, especially those who may first be thought to be "unlovable." I will need to reach outside of myself and create friendships. I will need to learn how to strike up friendships rather than just making bad small talk.  

This is God's call on my life. 

 I am going to answer.

If you would like to join with me on this journey, you can Donate directly through Paypal. Thank you for reading!

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