John 8:36 - So if the Son makes you free, you will be truly free.

Galatians 5:1 - We have freedom now, because Christ made us free. So stand strong. Do not change and go back into the slavery of the law.

This is my journey.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Procrastination and Incentive

I want to say something valuable.

But what do I have to say?

I have so many ideas, so many inspirations, so much I want to do and say and paint and write... and yet. And yet I have no motivation to do any of it.

Sometimes I wonder if procrastination is more a part of me than being a writer or a painter.

And yet.

I want to be the writer everyone wants to read. I want motivation to bring that dream to life.

I want to be the artist everyone wants to have on their wall. I need a spark of inspiration strong enough to take me all the way through to fruition.

Where is my motivation and where did my inspiration disappear to?

I know what it will require of me. I know how to get it back, I do.

I just don't want to.

I don't because it will require something of me. It will require early mornings and commitment every day. It will require willpower and a solid resolve to do what I need to.

When I say early morning I mean 5 am. 6 at the latest, if I really want to get inspiration back.

I want someone to give me the incentive, to want to read what I write. But I have to write it first, right? Well, it's half-written, I only have to finish it. I only have to get up early.

I only have to push myself to want to again.


  1. Motivation and I are not always the best of friends either. I think I know how you feel - been there . . . still there (grins).
