"The Dragons of Chiril" by Donita K. Paul, is a book revolving around a young woman named Tipper and the quest she goes on with many varied companions, to save her father's life and restore the disintegrating world.
It is not so much about dragons as it is about each of the companions and their personal growth during the quest. The premise was quite interesting, but the execution of it, not so well done.
The beginning was very slow, and until halfway through the book, I had to force myself to read on, just for the sake of this review. Halfway through it became easier to read and the pace picked up, but I didn't really start to care about the characters until the last few chapters.
Much of the dialogue was confusing, it was hard to tell who was talking, and I had to read over what I had already read more than once. The character and location names were unnecessarily long and confusing.
All in all, it was an interesting read, though the ending was a bit rushed. I would not read it again. I give it 2/5 stars.
You can also read my review on Blogging for Books here: http://www.waterbrookmultnomah.com/bloggingforbooks/reviews/view/12654
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